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Veteran Service Organizations

UAV Post 101 supports and participates in many activities involved with Veteran Service Organizations.

We are committed to honoring their dedication and service to the cause of Freedom and Justice locally

and around the world.

Veterans of Foreign Wars - Logo -Final.jpg
Disabled American Veterans -Logo -Final.jpg
VFW Ladies Auxiliary - Logo -Final.jpg
Department of Veterans Affairs - Logo -Final.jpg
NCOA - Logo -Final.jpg
ROTC - Logo -Final.jpg

Veterans of Foreign Wars

The VFW traces it's roots back to 1899 when Veterans of the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902) founded local organizations to secure rights and benefits for their service. Many arrived home wounded or sick. There was no medical care or Veterans pension for them, and they were left to care for themselves. In their misery, some of these Veterans banded together and formed organizations with what would become known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. After chapters were formed in Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania, the movement quickly gained momentum. By 1915, membership grew to 5,000 and by 1936, membership was almost 200,000.  

Disabled American Veterans

DAV is a nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year. Annually, the organization provides more than 240,000 rides to veterans attending medical appointments and assists veterans with well over 160,000 benefit claims. In 2020, DAV helped veterans receive more than $23 billion in earned benefits. DAV’s services are offered at no cost to all generations of veterans, their families and survivors.
DAV is also a leader in connecting veterans with meaningful employment, hosting job fairs and providing resources to ensure they have the opportunity to participate in the American Dream their sacrifices have made possible.
With nearly 1,300 chapters and more than 1 million members across the country, DAV empowers our nation’s heroes and their families by helping to provide the resources they need and ensuring our nation keeps the promises made to them.

VFW Ladies Auxiliary

Established 1914, members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary set out to serve the veterans of this country and our communities in honor of the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform. The VFW Auxiliary is one of the nation’s oldest veterans’ service organizations and our members are the relatives of those who served in a location of foreign conflict. Nearly 470,000 members in more than 3,600 Auxiliaries nationwide who volunteer millions of hours and fundraise millions of dollars for charitable projects that benefit veterans, military service personnel and their families.
Through our National Programs, we assist the VFW pass or block legislation that impacts veterans and their families, provide nearly a million volunteer hours in the VA medical system, conduct patriotic programs with thousands of students and offer hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships for our nation’s youth.

Catholic War Veterans of The United States of America

Catholic War Veterans (officially called the Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America) is a national service organization of baptized Catholics that have served or are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. Founded in 1935, the Catholic War Veterans are dedicated to serving all service members regardless and their families regardless of their religion. Membership in the Catholic War Veterans is open to baptized Catholics, male or female, who have served on Active Duty for a period of at least 90 days, in the reserve component, or National Guard, or are currently on active duty in any branch of the military, specific war time service is not required.

Department of Veterans Affairs

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a Cabinet-level executive branch department of the federal government charged with integrating life-long healthcare services to eligible military veterans at the 1700 VA medical centers and outpatient clinics located throughout the country. Non-healthcare benefits include disability compensation, vocational rehabilitation, education assistance, home loans, and life insurance; and provides burial and memorial benefits to eligible veterans and family members at 135 national cemeteries.
The history and evolution of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is inextricably intertwined and dependent on the history of America's wars, as wounded soldiers is the population the VA care for. The list of wars involving the United States from the American Revolutionary War to the present totals ninety nine wars. The majority of the United States military casualties of war, however, occurred in the following eight wars: American Revolutionary War (est. 8000), American Civil War (218,222), World War I (53,402), World War II (291,567), Korean War (33,686), Vietnam War (47,424), Iraq War (3,836), War in Afghanistan (1,833). It is these wars that have primarily driven the mission and evolution of the VA. The VA maintains a detailed list of war wounded as it is the population that comprises the VA care system.

Non Commissioned Officers Association

It is with the conception and full understanding that many things of great need and importance can be accomplished in unity and cooperation.  Thus do the members of the NCOA of the USA agree to join their efforts and strength to work together for the well-being of the individual, the group, and for the greatest benefit of our beloved Nation.
The NCOA Mission Statement - "Strength In Unity".  The NCOA was established in 1960 to enhance and maintain the quality of life for noncommissioned and petty officers in all branches of the Armed Forces, National Guard and Reserves. 
The NCOA offers its members a wide range of benefits and services designed especially for enlisted service members and their families. We invite you to browse our website to learn more about the NCOA and the many ways it can enhance the lives of you and your family members. 
We welcome you to join our organization and take advantage of our proud past... and our promising future!

R.O.T.C.   Army • Navy • Airforce • Marine Corps

The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) is a college program offered at more than 1,700 colleges and universities across the United States that prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S. Military. In exchange for a paid college education and a guaranteed post-college career, participants, or cadets, commit to serve in the Military after graduation. Each Service branch has its own take on ROTC.
The concept of ROTC in the United States was created by Alden Partridge and began with the Morrill Act of 1862 which established the land-grant colleges. Part of the federal government's requirement for these schools was that they include military tactics as part of their curriculum, forming what became known as ROTC. The college from which ROTC originated is Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont. Norwich was founded in 1819 at Norwich, Vermont, as the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy.[7] The university was founded by former West Point instructor Captain Alden Partridge, who promoted the idea of a "citizen soldier"—a man trained to act in a military capacity when his nation required, but capable of fulfilling standard civilian functions in peacetime.[8] This idea eventually led to the formation of Reservist and National Guard units with regimented training in place of local militia forces.

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Skip's Auto E.R. • Ati's Jewelers, Ltd. • Meijer • Ukrainian Cultural Center • Steiner's Meat Market • Kutchey Family Market  

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© 2024 UAV Post 101 Michigan. Proudly created with by Eric Wroblewski

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